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I just found out that the original version of Tetris for the Game Boy is available on the Switch, so guess what I’m doing for the rest of the week?

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Nicholas Liu

Tetris is my nightly chill-out game. I must've bought several versions of it by now. Game Boy - Switch Online has a feature in settings that allows you to switch between different emulation modes: classic green Game Boy, Game Boy Pocket, or Game Boy Color.

Ramanan Sivaranjan

I grabbed one of those portable emulator game game consoles (a Miyoo Mini Plus) and managed to get all my friends hooked on the game once again when we were all off at a cottage. It’s impressive how captivating the original versions are.

Paulo Jones

Thanks for the heads-up - I thoroughly recommend Dave the Diver on the switch for a ‘chill out with occasional mild peril’ experience.

Jason KottkeMOD

"Chill out with occasional mild peril" is exactly the sort of gaming experience that I look for. Will check out Dave the Diver!

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