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Hand Embroidered Satellite Imagery

hand-embroidered artwork of a satellite view of Earth

hand-embroidered artwork of a satellite view of Earth

hand-embroidered artwork of a satellite view of Earth

hand-embroidered artwork of a satellite view of Earth

Danielle Currie creates these amazing hand-embroidered artworks of satellite views of Earth.

Danielle Currie’s intricate hand embroidered pieces capture the beauty of Earth from a satellite view. Each piece is named with the latitude and longitude coordinates, providing observers the opportunity to independently explore the area which inspired the piece.

Here’s the Landsat 8 satellite photo that inspired the embroidery at the top of the post.

Currie sells the original artworks as well as some prints of her work.

P.S. Apparently I’ve posted more than a little about embroidery over the years, so I gave the subject a tag page. There’s some cool stuff in there…I’d forgotten about The Embroidered Computer.


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