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Thank you, Kottke members and readers

That wraps up my week and a day on I want to thank Jason for letting me sit in his imaginary chair, and I especially want to thank Kottke readers and site members for letting me think my way through a weird-ass, anxiety-inducing time in all of our lives.

If you’re not a member of, please consider it: Jason’s work on this site is extraordinary, and still too unsung. Among other things, your support helps him give work to folks like me to keep this place running when he’s not around.

Jason should be back on Monday. Before I check out, I want to tease you with a short list of stories drafted but not published this week. Just imagine what could have been.

  • Companies and their avatars (why we give Tesla’s Elon Musk crap, but not Marvel’s Ike Perlmutter)
  • The experience of time in Hell (and why does it feel like we’re all there already)
  • Eli Whitney was not black, but lots of people think so (lots of other people got here first, look it up)
  • “I Am Not Your Negro”: A Review (I had to cancel plans to see it this afternoon)
  • The Seven NBA All-Stars I Would Not Be Willing To Street Fight, and Why (sometimes fanfic just gets out of hand)

Always a pleasure to write for the best blog in the world.