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Chipotle: no more ad agencies

Chipotle has ditched their ad agency.

Last November, Chipotle made the decision to go it alone and bring advertising in-house. After spending at least six months selecting Butler Shine from a group of 27 agencies, Mr. Crumpacker said it didn’t make sense to take the time to pick another agency. “By the time we picked one and got them up to speed it would have been a year,” he said. “The only reasonable thing to do was to do it ourselves.”

The chain is shifting away from traditional advertising anyway, Mr. Crumpacker added, noting that advertising, generally, is becoming less important to Chipotle. Not to mention that Chipotle’s co-CEO, Steve Ells, isn’t exactly supportive of advertising. “For Chipotle, I guess I’d say [advertising] is not less important to our CEO, because he never thought it was that important,” Mr. Crumpacker said. “He’s asked me [whether] should we do advertising at all.”