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Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre

Every episode of Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre can be found on Hulu. I had no idea this show existed until the other day, but it sounds like it was quite a program:

Faerie Tale Theatre brings to life twenty-six of the most magical fairy tales of all time. Directed by such masters of cinema as Tim Burton, Francis Ford Coppola and more, and star-powered by Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Mick Jaggar, James Earl Jones, Howie Mandel, Christopher Reeve, Susan Sarandon and more, this collection is an unparalleled treasury of the best-loved tales of enchantment, adventure and wonder.

Here’s the Tim Burton-directed Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp and Rip Van Winkle directed by Francis Ford Coppola. (via andrea inspired)