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The Store You Made

Whenever I link to something at Amazon on, there’s an affiliate code associated with the link. When I log into my account, I can access a listing of what people bought1. The interesting bit is that everything someone buys after clicking through to Amazon counts and is listed, even items I didn’t link to directly. These purchased-but-unlinked-to items form a sort of store created by readers of their own accord.

Let’s call it The Store You Made. In the first installment of what may become a semi-regular feature, I’m highlighting some of the more interesting items sold in The Store You Made this week. You might be interested in what your fellow readers are buying.

Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Build Implements of Spitball Warfare

Pattern Recognition by William Gibson.

Bill Simmons’ The Book of Basketball is getting difficult to find, except at Amazon.

DJ Hero with turntable. I really want to get this. Is it any good? Or should I just get a set of real turntables?

All seven volumes of Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles. Here’s volume one.

VHS isn’t dead yet…someone bought a copy of From Star Wars to Jedi - Making of a Saga on videotape. Dad?

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves for PS3. My brother-in-law worked on this game. It is getting great reviews.

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience.

Alfred Hitchcock - The Masterpiece Collection is a DVD box set of fourteen of Hitchcock’s films. And ooh, North By Northwest on Blu-ray.

The Chris Farley Show: A Biography in Three Acts. Someone wrote a biography of Chris Farley?

Three people bought Apple’s new Magic Mouse.

Two 1 TB Seagate external hard drives were purchased for just over $100 each. Memory is so cheap these days; there’s no excuse not to get yourself a backup drive.

A 61-key electronic keyboard.

A 4-port Tardis USB hub. Awesome. Oh and:

When you connect or disconnect a device, the blue light on top flashes and the dematerialization vworp, vworp sound starts sawing away at your lugholes.


Note: recieves a small percentage of the purchase price for each item purchased through the Amazon links above. If you’re not into that, you may search for the item on Amazon directly or find it elsewhere using Google.

[1] Amazon does not reveal which customers purchased what items to their associates…just that a purchase was made. So I have absolutely no idea who bought that diamond engagement ring last year (congratulations!) or that 3-pack of underwear last week (congratulations!). โ†ฉ