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Buzzfeed contributions and Fire Eagle

Buzzfeed unveiled a little something new this week: contributions. The site has always had a feedback mechanism where people could suggest links to add to trends, but now anyone can sign up for an account and contribute links, text, videos, and images to Buzzfeed posts. The vast majority of comments on blogs are text-only but Buzzfeed makes it easy to post video, link, and images responses as well. Call it the Tumblrization of blog comments. Innovation in blog comments has been hard to come by for the past few years…this is a nice step. (Disclosure: I’m an advisor to Buzzfeed.)

Fire Eagle, Yahoo’s personal location service, has been in beta for awhile but is now live for anyone to use. The service allows you to update your location through the site, your phone, or through 3rd party apps and services. You can broadcast that location to your friends or keep it to yourself for use with other Fire Eagle-enabled apps (e.g. show me coffee shops near where I am right now). Think of the site as an online wallet where you keep your location for use all around the web. The .net TLD is a nice touch, emphasizing the hub-like character of the site/service.

[And why paste these two sites together? Ze Frank. He’s been helping Buzzfeed with their contributions launch and Fire Eagle took its name from Frank’s The Show (Fire Eagle Danger Day).]