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A series of posts by Mark Bernstein

A series of posts by Mark Bernstein on what he calls NeoVictorian Computing. Some interesting thoughts in there; here’s a taste:

We software creators woke up one day to find ourselves living in the software factory. The floor is hard, from time to time it gets very cold at night, and they say the factory is going to close and move somewhere else. We are unhappy with our modern computing and alienated from our work, we experience constant, inexorable guilt.

and also:

Everyone has pretty much the same computer. Your computer is my computer. Nobody is really very happy about their computer; the very best minds in the field walk around with old Dells or MacBooks, just like your grandmother. Almost everyone has pretty much the same software.

Oh, and:

We sound unhappy. Our best Web discourse (Tim Bray and John Gruber and Joel Spolsky and Scott Rosenberg, for example) focuses relentlessly on what a few vendors are doing, and often pleads with those vendors for small favors: new DRM policies for our iPods, or better perspective in the application dock. Our worst discourse (usenet, slashdot, valleywag, the comment section of any popular tech blog after comment #12) is consistently puerile; it’s often hard to imagine that these are written by scholars, scientists and engineers, and petulant children.

I think that last sentence is supposed to end “not petulant children”, but you get the idea. (via scott rosenberg)