A request
My friend Maciej’s server died the other day, and it looks like it cannot be resurrected. He runs idlewords.com (not working at the moment, obviously), where you may have read his piece on the woes of the Space Shuttle, the one about the Wright Brothers, or about pizza in NYC (which ended up in Best Food Writing 2005). At the moment, he’s a starving artist and can’t afford a new server or even a vanilla hosting account. Anyone out there a reader/fan/friend of Maciej’s and want to give him a little corner of your server to get his site back online? Here’s his short request:
The site rarely exceeds 1GB/day bandwidth. It would be especially handy if I could install perl modules and run perl CGI scripts, but at this point I would settle just being able to keep the archive alive.
If you want to help, email mceglowski [at] gmail.com.
Update: Ok folks, looks like he’s all set. Thanks!
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