The results of Timex’s Future of Time design competition
The results of Timex’s Future of Time design competition. I love the fingernail watch by Napoleon Merana.
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The results of Timex’s Future of Time design competition. I love the fingernail watch by Napoleon Merana.
Reader comments
dolfaceOct 13, 2004 at 7:38PM
there's a science fiction story where the main character has a watch embedded under her fingernail (i can't, for the life of me, remember which one though. 'steel beach'? something by heinlein?).
i've always loved that idea.
AdamOct 13, 2004 at 8:15PM
there are many. the "ambient clock floating in peripheral vision" and "glowing subdermal tattoo" are evergreens as well. : . )
john-mikeOct 13, 2004 at 8:50PM
These seem like pretty conservative visions for 150yrs in the future. I get the significance of it but damn, in 150 years thier had better be clocks in my brain that let me know what time it is back on earth.
AdamOct 13, 2004 at 11:37PM
if you were off-planet, wouldn't time be rather a strictly local matter?
SharynOct 14, 2004 at 1:12AM
Wacky. A couple of months back a designer randomly asked for permission to use one of my photos for this competition...and it would seem his entry won in the wrist-based category.
(my photo was the chicken clock on the orange watch...not one of my best, but it was nice of him to ask)
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