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Your Guide to New York City Shops

Your Guide to New York City Shops.

Reader comments

zinckiwiSep 22, 2004 at 12:40AM

Holy bodegas, is that one ever on the mark....

Up in Washington Heights the most common occurence is the travel agent/cell phone/life insurance/tax preparation/juice bar/ladies clothing combo.

MattSep 22, 2004 at 4:18PM

I love the links to "flavor" articles/galleries about NYC. I've never been there, but I am a big city boy (grew up in Indy and Chicago) trapped in small town North Carolina.

ChrisSep 23, 2004 at 8:58AM

Keep up the postings about NYC. I've only spent one week of my life in the US and that in SF. My host at the time said "There are two cities you have to see in the US. San Francisco and New York - after that it doesn't matter."

I loved SF and would go back there at the drop of a hat if I had the opportunity. But I love the idea of NYC and would love to spend six months there. I would love to take my camera and photograph a city I had come to know and my [whatever model Powerbook was current at the time] and write and write and write.

(I've lived my whole life in Melbourne Australia.)

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.