Movie listings
I’ve redesigned the movies section of this site. All Most of the movies I’ve seen since April 2003 are listed on one page with my rating and an excerpt of my review (if there is one). You can also view them sorted alphabetically and by rating. Ratings are color-coded…green means good, yellow means OK, and red means not-so-good. When I have something to say about a movie, it’ll appear as usual on the front page and on the movies page, but if I don’t, it’ll just be added to the movies page. Got rid of the monthly archive pages because they weren’t needed anymore. The design is a little unfinished, but it’s better to launch now than to tweak myself into paralysis. I’ll fix it later.
And of course, all this was done fairly easily with Movable Type and a few plugins (ExtraFields, Compare, MTSQL, and MTIfEmpty). I’m continually amazed at how flexible MT is. With all the plugins available for it now, it’s pretty much its own little scripting language/environment, which depending on your perspective, is either fantastic or so very wrong.
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