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A look at different voting systems, with examples

A look at different voting systems, with examples.

Reader comments

markAug 26, 2004 at 4:30PM

This is the example I mentioned at dinner last night using a classroom voting on pizza toppings as an example. I find it fascinating how much the outcome can change depending on the system used. (note: I want a recount on last nights topping vote. I think sausage won the electoral vote, but pepperoni won the popular vote)

DavidAug 27, 2004 at 6:42AM

We've been using Proportional Representation in Ireland since the foundation of the state and it's a fantastic system. The Wikipedia article I linked to isn't that great at giving an example of how it works but I found this page that does exactly that.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.