The Source is a neat info-sculpture on
The Source is a neat info-sculpture on the “floor” of the London Stock Exchange. “The Source will mark the start of the London markets every day at 8.00am, displaying an arrow to indicate whether the markets have opened up or down and giving the opening price of the FTSE 100 index.”
Reader comments
michaelJul 28, 2004 at 4:32PM
looks like a mechanical stock orb to me. seems like they coulda saved a bunch of cash and just bought the $150 device. but then it wouldn't be "art," now would it.
PaulJul 28, 2004 at 7:06PM
The London Stock Exchange "trading floor" is an anachronism. The advent of networked systems most of it's trades moved to the rest of the country. In fact to almost any office or living room in the land. Like many defunct buildings in the capital, it will be missed. The w%#kers who worked there won't be though!
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