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Reader comments
ZeibinJul 13, 2004 at 12:19PM
I like Google - I really do. Part of me wants to go, "Hey! You can't just go around buying up competition!" but another part of me sees events like this as enablers. i.e. Google sees a technology that works well and has potential and then decides it wants to see that technology and the smart people who started it succeed and flourish. So they buy and throw their technology and money behind it.
I don't really use Blogger much (never really have) but it seems better since Google bought 'em up. Can anyone offer some opinion on that statement?
Mr. SarcasticJul 13, 2004 at 1:30PM
I have been blogging on blogger for a few months now and really like it. I didn't use it before it was
redesigned, so I have no comparison to how it used to be. I knew they were buying Picasso because
I use a program they have called "Hello", which allows you to upload photos directly to your blog. It gives you two options for uploading pictures- one to use explorer and the other to use Picasso. It is super easy to blog on blogger and
they have tons of cool features for people like me who only know limited HTML.
Mr. Sarcastic
Check out my blog:
BenJul 13, 2004 at 3:25PM
drag and drop photoblogging is fun. anyone could do it. i don't care if google is into it or not. everyone else is.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.