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Reader comments
RobertApr 07, 2004 at 7:26PM
Terribly Haunting. I can't imagine wandering through that place alone. Reminded me of 28 Days Later.
ericApr 07, 2004 at 7:26PM
This was really interesting and got me looking on the net for more information about the disaster. It's odd that there are zero photos of the actual explosion / fire / smoke cloud - the BBC has one TV screen-capture of a landing helicopter.
I guess the Russians really are experts in secrecy.
gogol13Apr 08, 2004 at 2:32AM
zachApr 08, 2004 at 9:24AM
this is possibly the best link that you have ever posted.
samApr 08, 2004 at 10:50AM
This version, live a week or so back, is the second iteration of the website - she added a bunch of new pictures including the ones of the plant, but I think some pieces of text from the first version aren't there, or maybe I just missed them. There was some comment about the hospital that said something like, 'the hospital stayed working for 40 days after the attack then the head doctor died of cancer and everyone left'...
Great site though, definitely one of the most interesting I've seen for a very long time. I don't think I'd dare go near that area mys'elf... I wonder what it is with bikers proving how 'hard' they are? :> (Just kidding, and yes I did read the 'science bit', but still...)
patrickApr 08, 2004 at 11:43AM
She has her own domain as well --
liam wenApr 08, 2004 at 5:11PM
Glad you like it Jason - any comments?
mikeApr 08, 2004 at 6:27PM
This link from the BBC adds more credibility to her voyage. Great video too!
JeremiahApr 08, 2004 at 9:50PM
Eric -- Yes, I did the same. Odd indeed. I'm actually so interested in seeing what it looked like that I might go to the library here and look for books on the subject. All those people--there's bound to be a photo somewhere. Of course, as you indicate, I'm forgetting that I'm talking about Soviet Russia.
KatApr 14, 2004 at 2:46AM
Sam: I actually came across her a long while back about two days before she was Slashdotted. I noticed it was an Angelfire site, so I promptly mirrored it before it fell (she has since bought hosting). Anyway, you are correct in that there is text missing on the new pages; in some cases, this is hugely unfortunate (particularly on page 12: the oncology ward).
Anyway, here's the mirror:
AleksiApr 14, 2004 at 4:50AM
Jeremiah, actually you would be talking about Soviet Ukraine. ;-)
JeremiahApr 14, 2004 at 10:26AM
Heh :)
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.