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Saw a preview of “Saved!” in the

Saw a preview of “Saved!” in the theatre yesterday…it certainly looks interesting..

Reader comments

Steven GarrityMar 21, 2004 at 6:13PM

Hollywood takes on the Christian-teen sub-culture. Interesting. For those who don't know much about it, there really is a Christian teen sub-culture. I spent a lot of time in Christian youth groups when I was in junior high and high school. There is music, film, clothing, vernacular - the whole deal. Unfortunately, it is a very hollow culture - often striving to match the rest of popular culture (at it's worst) and does a disservice to the underlying traditions and faith.

Hot chicks in the movie though ;-)

barnesMar 21, 2004 at 9:00PM

However, seeing Mandy Moore hurl a bible at a girl while yelling "I'm filled with Christ's love": priceless.

NataliMar 21, 2004 at 11:54PM

Not to mention the gross spotty kid from Spun in another great looking role. Thanks for the link :) Looks great.

aircrashMar 22, 2004 at 3:35AM

yeah, i ran across this just awhile ago. i think i need to see it. barnes is right about the mandy moore thing. priceless.

TimMar 24, 2004 at 1:53AM

...a very hollow culture - often striving to match the rest of popular culture (at it's worst) and does a disservice to the underlying traditions and faith.

For the most part I agree with Steven on this one....However as ripe for parody as this culture is (for the record I went to a Christian high school) I think an accurate parody would not necessarily amuse the masses.

Instead we get this, which looks to me to to be a typically hollow Hollywood attempt to mock something they painfully and obviously do not understand. The culture as imagined by the screenwriters of something like "American Pie" will entertain, but will not ring true. It will receive the belly laughs of those eager to mock anything Christian, but looks to be far enough removed from anything truthful to be pointless beyond that.

Trailers can deceive though, I hope they get this more right then it appears, but I don't have much hope.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.