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Photos of the grand opening of the

Photos of the grand opening of the San Francisco Apple Store.

Reader comments

hosenpantsMar 01, 2004 at 5:16PM

Photos of lots and lots of relaxed-fit jeans.

sjcMar 01, 2004 at 5:37PM

So these steps, they're made of glass?

bicabocMar 01, 2004 at 5:43PM

uh. is the staircase the only thing in the store?

spygeekMar 01, 2004 at 6:09PM

Yea, it's the new iStair.

HDTVMar 01, 2004 at 10:49PM

I think I watched a special about the design the new Apple Store (can't remember where), but the steps are solid glass. I think it's cool. I've seen all the Apple products before anyway.

GayMar 02, 2004 at 12:01AM

Every apple store has those glass stairs

ianMar 02, 2004 at 11:20AM

fashion vally san diego has no stairs, but if it did i'm sure they would be glass.

bicabocMar 02, 2004 at 11:46AM

Actually there's a relatively sad little one nearby in Arlington, Virginia. It's one level, small enough that one could stand on one side and spit to the other, and a lot of the stuff i'm looking for is at CompUSA, not this Apple store.

PatitoMar 03, 2004 at 1:13PM

Someone stop me, please. If Apple and IKEA merged, they'd be able to make and sell "FRED iStairs". Small ones.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.