Get you own reBlog
Get you own reBlog. For those bloggers that “prefer curating content to writing original posts”.
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Get you own reBlog. For those bloggers that “prefer curating content to writing original posts”.
Reader comments
linkbloggerMar 09, 2004 at 1:25PM
Sad how us linkbloggers have been ghettoized. The original blogs were collections of links, y'know. Hence "web log", rather than "web journal". Sniff sniff harrumph.
omitMar 09, 2004 at 1:27PM
Linkbloggers trump about 80-90% of the original content being produced.
ernieMar 10, 2004 at 10:47AM
yes but are you still a 'lowly' linkblogger if you intersperse stolen links with heartfelt, original thoughts like
"Monday 9:12pm - I know I've been blogging a lot of animal hoarding stories but Fark has been posting some good ones lately."
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