First look at Microsoft’s blog search engine
First look at Microsoft’s blog search engine. Is everyone who does blog “search” going to get it wrong?
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First look at Microsoft’s blog search engine. Is everyone who does blog “search” going to get it wrong?
Reader comments
DonatoMar 27, 2004 at 11:39AM
I'm sure microsoft will give it a good go ;-)
robMar 28, 2004 at 5:33PM
And I'm sure it will overbloated crap, like pretty much everything else they make.
JohnMar 28, 2004 at 5:54PM
Overbloated? Is it possible to be "properly bloated" then? Regardless, yeah, it will probably be crap, but crap with a lot of resources behind it is what drives the tech industry.
Subzero BlueApr 02, 2004 at 4:40AM
Well even though I'm not usually a Microsoft basher, but man this looks like crap.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.