Every weblog panel I’ve ever seen in a nutshell
Every weblog panel I’ve ever seen in a nutshell. “Yes, and obviously I concur.”
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Every weblog panel I’ve ever seen in a nutshell. “Yes, and obviously I concur.”
Reader comments
Buzz AndersenMar 24, 2004 at 1:22PM
That perfectly sums up my own experience at SXSW in 2001, and explains why I've never gone back (although I have considered going back for the music festival). I was expecting insight, or at the very least thought provoking discussion, but instead I found a bunch of unrehearsed webmonkeys who were really no more qualified to speak on their topics than I would have been. A definite waste of money.
CheshireMar 29, 2004 at 8:41PM
Very well done (my favorite part: the panelist taking a digital picture of the audience).
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.