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The Kuro5hin gang clumsily rehashes the

The Kuro5hin gang clumsily rehashes the tired “are blogs good or bad?” meme.

Reader comments

MartinFeb 03, 2004 at 5:31PM

I thought it was more of a "Movable Type is crap" meme, and I thought it was funny too....

skFeb 03, 2004 at 6:33PM

Well, I have to agree about all the forked perl instances (I'd rather just have the page generated on the fly).

And I guess I do wish I had a mac, but I dont much like coffee to be honest.

cuetipFeb 03, 2004 at 6:33PM

Well, I have to agree about all the forked perl instances (I'd rather just have the page generated on the fly).

And I guess I do wish I had a mac, but I dont much like coffee to be honest.

rFeb 03, 2004 at 6:34PM

It's good to see Kuro5hin picking up where left off

Anonymous MT UserFeb 03, 2004 at 7:07PM

I hadn't realised people felf this way. I'l stop now before I hurt someone. I'm really sorry.

KaijimaFeb 03, 2004 at 8:37PM

My name is Stan... and I'm an MT'er. *looks down*

MikeFeb 04, 2004 at 12:57AM

Speaking of memes that are better left to die, what's with everyone using the word "meme" all of a sudden? I've seen it all over the place for the past two weeks. Did everyone get to the "M" page of their nightly OED reading at once, or something?

dowingbaFeb 04, 2004 at 1:14AM

The 'meme' meme has been going on for way more than two weeks, believe you me. I think it stems from most webloggers' intense hatred of the word 'trend'.

darl mcvitiesFeb 04, 2004 at 3:33AM

meme is french for 'Me Too!!!', ergo aolers still live and have actually learnt a new word, meme.

is also finnish for 'pesky mac peoples'.

Dan FasciaFeb 04, 2004 at 5:22AM

The article makes some fine points. 99% of blogs are useless, badly written and uninspired and MT is a big bloated mess.

Who the hell wants to read about the mundane lives of middle America? I don't care what new coffee-toting-vessel Starbucks has just invented and how cool it is, nor do I want to see a digital shot of it from 10 angles (with javascript rotating of course)

StephenFeb 04, 2004 at 7:11AM

Yeah, but before that it was 'homepages', with geek code - we can't exactly cast back to the renaissance period here.

StewartFeb 04, 2004 at 11:51AM

Blah blah blah. 99% of EVERYTHING sucks.

KimberlyFeb 04, 2004 at 12:47PM

I don't recall the statistic, but an enormously high percentage of blogs aren't written for you to read anyway. You are not the target audience. The target audience is their friends and family. So of *course* you're not going to care. And what's more, the people writing the blogs don't care if you do. Let's criticize the blogs that are trying to get an audience and leave the poor shmoes (myself included) who are just having fun and keeping in touch with loved ones alone. Sure, the internet is a big public forum, but what's the point of caring about J. Q. Shmoe's blog?

sergioFeb 04, 2004 at 2:09PM

"The article makes some fine points. 99% of blogs are useless, badly written and uninspired and MT is a big bloated mess."

Which is why we should bombard them with comment spam or try to bring them down. 'Cause, you know, they're stealing our air and we have to pay for their bandwidth and everything... I'm sure most of them are kitten-killers, too.

Dave LFeb 04, 2004 at 3:28PM

Quite funny when a blogger dogs blogs. Well, sheep I may be (bahhahhahh), but there are some great blogs about interesting people. Meryl writes about having a cochlear implant, which I find fascinating, and Stonefishspine is some of the best Americana writing I have ever read. I would like to think that my blog has some useful tidbits for actors or those who enjoy reading about actors, but honestly, as someone already said of blogs, it was started for an audience of curious friends and family members. Not Kuro5hin. What kind of name is Kuro5hin!

But forget what I have to say. Stewart said it best: Blah blah blah. 99% of EVERYTHING sucks. So true. So true.

bobFeb 04, 2004 at 8:59PM

someone has to stop assaulting us with all these blogs. I HATE THEM. I'm walking down the street, then - BLOG! I'm taking a shower - BLOG! I really wish i DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO ALL THESE BLOGS.

shaunFeb 05, 2004 at 1:22AM

I always thought meme was short for Me me!

GrahamFeb 05, 2004 at 9:46AM

Memes and weblogs go together like... peaches and cream! starsky and hutch! crowbars and boltcutters! vegemite and toast! X. Why did you think mine is called what it is? (Coined five years ago, thank you very much...)

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.