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See all the ads from the 2004 Super Bowl

See all the ads from the 2004 Super Bowl. Can we kill the “Super Bowl is all about the great commercials” meme now?

Reader comments

PeterFeb 02, 2004 at 10:47AM

i didn't actually watch it, but from the updates i got from my housemate it seemed like it was actually a good game.

some kidFeb 02, 2004 at 11:05AM

the game was mostly (painfully) boring minus a few flurries to keep the beer-drenched masses enthralled. the commercials were even less impressive.

DanFeb 02, 2004 at 11:12AM

Wait. The game ended with a last second field goal for the victory. I really would have liked to see the underdog Panthers win, nevertheless, what happened on the field between commercial breaks and the horribly offensive (and dated, those songs were from years ago (WTF?)) half time show was anything but boring.

But, then again, I like football.

donald tettoFeb 02, 2004 at 1:18PM

I think the FedEx one is really nice.

idogcowFeb 02, 2004 at 1:22PM

Chevy/Soap one was cute, the rest were weak.

donald tettoFeb 02, 2004 at 1:24PM

On the other hand, that Gilette one was positively embarassing -- who okayed that sucker?

Ryan SchroederFeb 02, 2004 at 1:25PM

I've been looking for the Subway spot that aired right after the game ended, but It doesn't seem to appear on any of the Lists. Any one seen it online?

donald tettoFeb 02, 2004 at 1:39PM

And a final post: Is that Pepsi/iTunes ad a complete rip-off of the Royal Tenenbaums or am I missing something?

annetteFeb 02, 2004 at 3:05PM

down with the meme!

fluffyFeb 02, 2004 at 4:48PM

Am I the only one who seems to have trouble viewing the ads in Safari? It has some really wonky user interface crap which makes me think it works just fine in IE but if I click the link in Safari, nothing happens.

jhyFeb 02, 2004 at 6:45PM

fluffy: No, same with me

padraiginFeb 02, 2004 at 9:02PM

The Chevy ad was great, except for the part where it, you know, totally glorifies child abuse.

Dave LFeb 04, 2004 at 9:33AM

I felt let down by the ads this year. I enjoyed the game, but I always watch every single ad for the entertainment value - of which there was little this year. However, TiVo results show that people are still enjoying the ads. I posted the press release, which includes rankings of the commercials) from TiVo on an article about Janet's publicity stunt (check the comments at the bottom).

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.