Original Star Wars trilogy finally coming out
Original Star Wars trilogy finally coming out on DVD in September.
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Original Star Wars trilogy finally coming out on DVD in September.
Reader comments
TheBradFeb 10, 2004 at 10:51AM
Original trilogy, my Aunt Jabba! These will be the "special editions". Harrumph.
jkottkeFeb 10, 2004 at 10:58AM
Ok, the original special editions, then. (Han shoots first!)
spygeekFeb 10, 2004 at 12:03PM
You'd think that Lucas wouldn't be so resistant to releasing the true original versions - after all, he'd make twice the money that way.
barlowFeb 10, 2004 at 12:11PM
If you've ever seen the original originals on laser disc (those big platter sized discs) then you know why he wanted to clean them up. The final awards ceremony in the first one (episode IV) is hilarious with all the cardboard extras that you can see.
MikeFeb 10, 2004 at 2:36PM
Han shoots first, indeed. On the other hand, the Ewoks don't sing (as much?) in the revisionist history edition.
jojoFeb 10, 2004 at 7:13PM
Lot's more poop jokes in the special editions! Hurray!
Joe KaczmarekFeb 10, 2004 at 8:04PM
Only four discs?! After all this time I would expect at least a whole disc of special features per each movie. Give me a 6-disc collector's edition. Better yet, I'll just save my money for when they'll eventuall come out with the 6-movie, 18-disc ultimate platinum collector's edition (which will come some months after the 6-movie, 9-disc super collector's edition).
George L.Feb 11, 2004 at 1:36AM
I'll save my ching for the day Lucas passes away and one of his inheritors does the right thing and releases the original trilogy the way it was originally released (and maybe include the Christmas Special!)
GrahamFeb 11, 2004 at 8:00AM
I'll only buy them if they have the Scouring of the Shire in them.
traveldomFeb 11, 2004 at 2:21PM
OOhh.. Jabba the hut in DVD.. princess leah.. wow
emilyFeb 11, 2004 at 2:55PM
DVD is nice and all, but I'll be hanging on to my VHS original trilogy, thanks.
idogcowFeb 11, 2004 at 3:37PM
I am hoping that with my new G5, a DVD burner, and a wide-screen master (Laserdisk? VHS?) I can just make my own Original Ed. DVD and not have to buy this movie any more.
PierceFeb 12, 2004 at 6:45AM
What's Star Wars?
barlowFeb 17, 2004 at 5:19PM
Pierce - Star Wars is a space movie that seemed like it had really snappy dialogue and amazing special effects when you were a kid and now seems like a kid's movie full of dialogue and plot cliches. The star of the first three movies (which are now the last three movies, follow me here) was Luke Skywalker, child of the child-star of the latest three movies (now the first three movies, follow me here) and he seemed cool and masculine when I was 7 and now seems like a whining milquetoast. His father brings balance to the force by throwing an old, powerful dude (who should be able to fly anyway) down a shaft.
chrisMar 15, 2004 at 1:03AM
Lucas has to be the most stubborn person. I know typical cliche, however, if I attempted to seperate myself from something that got me my break (say Star Wars) for current wants or desires. Everyone would accuse me of selling out or forgetting my roots. George Lucas has the huge cranium, yet he's not capable of making simple decisions. Remember when Episode I was released only VHS at first. He did so for greed. He's doing the same thing here. Lesson learned sell the product that's not in high demand by itself (being the special edition). Then sell what everyone wants a year or two later. What do you think?
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