Make your LiveJournal into a book
Make your LiveJournal into a book. Where’s the MT plugin for this?
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Make your LiveJournal into a book. Where’s the MT plugin for this?
Reader comments
ArmandFeb 03, 2004 at 3:05PM
...and TypePad too, please.
BrianFeb 03, 2004 at 4:04PM
well here is my question. if we could convert these all to pdf? couldn't we have a plugin that made pDF versions of each entry, (assuming you wnated this, or each week), and then distribute them in a similar manner to Howard Dean's text-blog idea.
gogol13Feb 03, 2004 at 6:59PM
or you could just do what mimi smartypants did on diaryland and get a book contract.
mendelFeb 03, 2004 at 10:24PM
Just give these nice strangers your LiveJournal username and password, and... hey, wait a minute!
boxxFeb 04, 2004 at 11:10PM
Type pad is M.T. is it not?
A pdf convert would be cool, as long as it represented what your sight looks like, as opposed to just the text of mtentry and comments. If you just wanted mtentry text couldn't you do something with the export file?
izbFeb 05, 2004 at 4:32AM
I've managed to get a PDF of my MT blog generated using this...
It takes a little PHP coding and some MySQL queries but it isn't too hard.
FirasFeb 05, 2004 at 8:12AM
LJ-based sites export CSV or XML files for your entries... what does MT do?
markpascFeb 13, 2004 at 4:34PM
The lj_nifty thread on Blogbinders covered the giving your username and password pretty well.
It might be easy to PDF your weblog as it looks on the web with Mac OS X's ability to print to PDF.
MT's Import/Export exports in a particular custom format, or you can republish your site in any format for which you care to make a template, or you can make a Perl script that uses MT's object API to do whatever you like.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.