iTunes Music Store selling at least 9 songs
iTunes Music Store selling at least 9 songs of complete silence for 99 cents apiece. Three of which are labeled “explicit”.
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iTunes Music Store selling at least 9 songs of complete silence for 99 cents apiece. Three of which are labeled “explicit”.
Reader comments
gwintFeb 05, 2004 at 11:06AM
Even more impressive considering they don't sell any John Cage.
JasonFeb 05, 2004 at 12:04PM
So what's the sound of one hand clapping? I don't know, but the iTMS is charging .99 a piece for it. hahaha
Matt HaugheyFeb 05, 2004 at 12:49PM
Amazing. I bought one of these (Guster) when I purchased an album last month. I had to do a double take after I listened a few times, that one of the tracks was actually silent and called "silence".
Is the iTMS encoding the secret hidden track silences as a separate track accidentally?
ChicagoTexFeb 05, 2004 at 9:33PM
Darn it, gwint beat me to it. :)
neilsFeb 06, 2004 at 1:27PM
beat me to it as well. hope none of them get sued though.
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