The Timberwolves are tied for the lead
The Timberwolves are tied for the lead in the Western Conference. They finally have a team that contend; Spree, Garnett, and Cassell work so well together.
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The Timberwolves are tied for the lead in the Western Conference. They finally have a team that contend; Spree, Garnett, and Cassell work so well together.
Reader comments
RickJan 26, 2004 at 12:11PM
Still not enough to handle Duncan, Robinson and the Spurs. Oh wait Robinson retired, Guess they do have enough....I do hope they win, Garnett is long overdue for all he has done for that franchise.
GeneJan 26, 2004 at 4:35PM
I think KG deserves it too, but let's not forget that the Western Conference is slumping. Chris Webber, Shaq, Malone, Kobe have all been injured. Dallas is just starting to find some chemistry.
For once, the most exciting ball is happening in the east. Indiana is on a tear right now.
CheapbastardJan 26, 2004 at 4:39PM
Speaking of Cassels, I got this trade in my fantasy league:
Vince Carter and Glenn Robinson for Sam Cassells
What do you guys think?
RickJan 26, 2004 at 4:58PM
I would, Vince has more injuries that Shaq usually and Glen just isn't playing up to his normal status...
BarryJan 27, 2004 at 12:03PM
I remember the days of Pooh Richardson and seasons that consisted of 15 wins total....
IanJan 27, 2004 at 11:49PM
Take the Cassell side, definitely. A no-brainer, odds are neither of the other two will even finish the season.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.