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Reader comments
KimberlyJan 13, 2004 at 10:53AM
I love science fiction and I love that we got a machine with really good cameras onto Mars and I love that we're learning about it. However, I think this is hysterical. It's 360 degrees of rocky, brown dirt. OooOooooOOOO.
Stefan JonesJan 13, 2004 at 12:26PM
Don't be cynical.It's not just rock and brown dirt.
There are *brown hills* on the horizon.
ryanJan 13, 2004 at 4:38PM
It's amazing - brown, red or otherwise. Pictures from different planets are totally underrated.
margaretJan 14, 2004 at 5:40PM
sure, it's just red dirt and rocks, but it's red dirt and rocks from another planet! in high resolution! the sky is pinky-orange! you can see all around you! that one hill totally looks like some kind of alien bunker! by the way, my science teacher totally loved this.
Paul NeaveJan 26, 2004 at 1:09PM
It ain't fiction, Kimberly, it's real. This is another planet. Think about that. Another planet. The air is so thin that you'd boil alive if you stood on the surface - it's not hot either, it's -100 degrees below zero.
OK, it's boring to look at, but no human has ever seen or set foot there ever before. And don't forget, these are the safest areas on Mars that NASA dared land their spacecraft - the mind boggles at what is to come.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.