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Reader comments
Kip IngramJan 07, 2004 at 12:22AM
Those are neat. They would have been neater still, though, if several of them hadn't been redundant. I count six of the twenty that are completely redundant (they all have to do with the number of base pairs.)
I am impressed with the one that about all of a person's DNA streching to the sun and back 600 times. That really gets your attention.
JoergJan 07, 2004 at 9:27AM
You'd think it's all about a few organs, some blood and air, and skeleton and skin to hold it all together. But no, there seems to be a little more to us than just that.
miriamJan 07, 2004 at 10:21AM
They say humans and chimps are 98% alike. I'd like to know the percentage of humans and say...dolphins.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.