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Reader comments
anonymousDec 22, 2003 at 7:12PM
I remember trekking down to Laredo with a buddy in college for the sole purpose of picking up some recreational prescription drugs. After a 4 hour drive, a simple stroll across the border later we we in the dentista's officia. In gringo spanglish we explained that we were too fat, (I weighed about 155 at 5'11 and had about 3% body fat), too tired during the day, had chronic pain all the time, and couldn't sleep at night.
The good dentista prescribed amphetamine, xanax AND valium, oxycodone AND hydrocodone. His brother owned the pharmacy downstairs. We said, gracias, adios amigo and picked up our 3 month supply drugs for about $15 USD... It was just the first of many trips to that dentista.
There's no anticlimax to the story. I recreated, didn't get hooked, didn't get arrested, didn't hurt anyone or get hurt myself. I'm sure this still goes on all the time. I will be really scared for my teenagers when they start making weekly jaunts to the border.
BobbyDec 23, 2003 at 1:57AM
I will be really scared for my teenagers when they start making weekly jaunts to the border.
There's an anticlimax after all. ;)
MexiDocDec 23, 2003 at 11:37AM
Senor anonymous, you lied to me! You looked like a good kid, with a face I could trust and now I see here many years later you made me and my brother look like total 'estupidos'!
You are NOT welcome in my farmacia again, senor!
Melissa HarringtonFeb 18, 2004 at 7:28PM
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