A vote for kotte.org is actually
A vote for kotte.org is actually a vote for kottke.org (and freedom!). I’m no longer in the running
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A vote for kotte.org is actually a vote for kottke.org (and freedom!). I’m no longer in the running
Reader comments
megnutDec 05, 2003 at 3:26PM
And a vote for megnut.com is a vote against kottke.org! But that doesn't mean it's a vote against freedom. It's also a vote for freedom. Vote megnut!
jkottkeDec 05, 2003 at 3:32PM
A vote for megnut is a vote for Nader. Don't let Little Green Nutballs win because you voted for megnut.
megnutDec 05, 2003 at 4:49PM
You're sleeping on the sofa tonight for that one.
jkottkeDec 05, 2003 at 4:57PM
Whatever, Ralph.
AnilDec 05, 2003 at 5:01PM
I hate it when mom and dad fight. But you're right, Meg is the Nader of the blogosphere.
BenDec 05, 2003 at 7:17PM
Pah! I'm still waiting to be recognised as a blogger (sort of). Also slightly ironic that Africa Blog is up for best looking blog...
KevinDec 05, 2003 at 9:55PM
Thank you for fixing the link.
justdannyDec 06, 2003 at 12:03AM
interesting your link to the poll was set up such that clicking your link to it counted as an automatic vote for you.
i reached the poll from a link at LGF and did'nt vote for LGF. i guess you don't give the people who visit your site that option.
and as for your site, is it really a blog ? reads like a dinner and dancing review and looks like a really bland mid 70's jr high school text book.
dtettoDec 06, 2003 at 12:11AM
The link does not automatically vote for kottke. Look at the URL -- it just points to a target on the page, there's no extraneous code. I clicked and did not vote for kottke.org until I viewed the results and saw LGF ahead -- now I'm not going to contest that Kottke reads like "a dinner and dancing review" (I wonder, does "The New Yorker" read like a dinner and dancing review? Because I've never read a dinner and dancing review but it seems like that what you're getting at) -- but I'm not about to let LGF win.
jtDec 06, 2003 at 3:41AM
but I'm not about to let LGF win
Because then the terrorist have won!!!
Please. Its a stupid poll, a popularity contest. Meaningless.
edwardDec 06, 2003 at 5:42AM
justdanny: ... i reached the poll from a link at LGF ... as for your site, is it really a blog ? reads like a dinner and dancing review ...
The terrorists now have won. (tm)
I can see the four horsemen from my window.
PeteDec 06, 2003 at 6:08AM
Anything to stop LGF winning.
charlie boyDec 06, 2003 at 9:18AM
yuo linked to VILE ESREAL HATAR howerd zin, also NOISY PUBLIC SCHOOL BOY tom yerke, stupid DUM MOONYBATS All of yuo
mehdiDec 06, 2003 at 6:51PM
it is home of hyper text product!
mehdiDec 06, 2003 at 6:52PM
sorry! i mean! hyperlink! :)
dtettoDec 07, 2003 at 2:10AM
(I have no idea what the last three posts mean.)
dan willisDec 07, 2003 at 9:08PM
I like what charlie boy had to say. I wish I'd said it first.
colonel panicDec 08, 2003 at 4:23PM
vile anti-semite!
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.