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Meg’s running a race to raise money

Meg’s running a race to raise money for God’s Love We Deliver. Donate now!

Reader comments

boysenNov 05, 2003 at 11:05AM

'Don't be scared off by the "God" in the name, it's not a religious organization.'

Thereby inferring that religious organizations are a bad thing? I'm confused.

megnutNov 08, 2003 at 3:41PM

No, it's just that some people don't like to support religious organizations, especially if they're not your religion. From the title, one might surmise that God's Love We Deliver goes around preaching to people. But they don't, they're nonsectarian and help feed people suffering serious illness. That's all.

BobbyNov 10, 2003 at 2:02AM

No, it's just that some people don't like to support religious organizations, especially if they're not your religion. From the title, one might surmise that God's Love We Deliver goes around preaching to people. But they don't, they're nonsectarian and help feed people suffering serious illness. That's all.

It's a sad day when mentioning God is more controversial than mentioning HIV/AIDS. (sigh) Anyway, I'll donate.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.