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Reader comments
SchmeldingOct 08, 2003 at 1:03PM
Lemme be the first to say, "I hereby welcome my Panther overlord."
Dave CampbellOct 08, 2003 at 1:05PM
Ok, go ahead.
SchmeldingOct 08, 2003 at 1:05PM
I hereby welcome my Panther overlord.
Jacob PattonOct 08, 2003 at 1:53PM
Exposé looks frickin' awesome (Scott).
megnutOct 08, 2003 at 2:22PM
Another $129?! Jesus.
Matt HaugheyOct 08, 2003 at 2:45PM
Can't wait to see photos of nerds lined up for "midnight release parties" at the end of the month.
BrianOct 08, 2003 at 2:52PM
I can hardly wait not to upgrade. I mean, really, that brushed-metal abomination of a Finder is just over the top.
GluttonOct 08, 2003 at 3:08PM
Holdin' steady at 9...
Stefanie NobleOct 08, 2003 at 8:33PM
Ahh... $69 with education discount. Get a college friend to buy it for you!
p diddyOct 09, 2003 at 4:04AM
I can't believe web 'superstars' are complaining about the cost. Fork up the bling bling yo!
SchmeldingOct 09, 2003 at 4:28AM
“I can hardly wait not to upgrade. I mean, really, that brushed-metal abomination of a Finder is just over the top.”
There&srquo;s already another post about this.
I, for one, welcome my brushed metal overlord.
BrianOct 09, 2003 at 11:47AM
I'm too much of an Apple Whore to pass up a nifty upgrade that might make my mac "snappier". I'll be one of those nerds in line at the Apple Store. But I will be getting it at 8...not midnight.
Buzz AndersenOct 09, 2003 at 2:51PM
megnut: Another $129?! Jesus.
Oh, give me a break. As I'm fond of pointing out these days, you really have to think of this not so much 10.3, but rather version 3 of OS X. I don't think charging for a major new OS version (as opposed to the point releases you get through software update) is so terribly awful.
FWIW, wearisome brused metal critiques aside, Panther is worth it.
Buzz AndersenOct 09, 2003 at 2:56PM
Actually--make that version 4 of OS X (I forgot about 10.0).
DaveOct 09, 2003 at 6:45PM
I hear from a friend (who installed the latest release before gold master) that the speedup on his G4 450 was "amazing," larger than the jump from 10.1 to 10.2 and could be on the scale of the 10.0 to 10.1 jump. I wasn't expecting a huge speed increase, but I'll take it.
But I agree, Expose is worth it alone.
pbOct 09, 2003 at 10:24PM
$129 is pretty steep. Apple really needs to make sure it moves a large percentage of the base up to each new version. At that price and with no discounts for upgrading from Jaguar, the MacOS audience is going to get very fragmented which is a very bad thing.
$129 for a window arranger? Are you out of your mind?
thomasOct 09, 2003 at 10:41PM
Honestly, I don't think 129 is bad at all. Expose is just one of the improvements. Quality costs.
People can stick with windows if that's their choice.
ToddOct 10, 2003 at 1:25AM
Matt - just wait until you see a picture of this particular nerd *working* at one of the release parties.
DaveOct 10, 2003 at 10:49AM
Well, I'll pay $69 for my educational discounted window arranger. But I switch between a number of apps very frequently, more than the average person, I'd guess. If I can lop off a fifth of a second per app switch, I would save a few minutes per day. I think the savings will be more along the lines of a half a second per switch because I'm usually hunting for one specific document within an application.
So, yeah, I could be crazy. Crazy like a fox!
As for fragmentation, yeah, it could happen if people didn't pirate software. What I've found is that a few people will pay the price for the upgrade and then pass it on to their family and friends. I already have five people on my upgrade waiting list. So by selling a million copies, Apple is really upgrading five million people.
GrahamOct 11, 2003 at 7:47AM
It's worse than The SIms!
Alon KoppelOct 11, 2003 at 6:28PM
I think Apple is losing potential upgrading customers by not giving a discount to 10.2 owners, if it was $99 for current 10.2 owners, I think more people could be more inclined to upgrade. Their one price - fits all, is dissapointing and been going on since OS X beta. True, $129 is not too bad, but I think they could get many more people to upgrade if they felt a direct connection to the fact they already own previous OS X versions.
Buzz AndersenOct 13, 2003 at 11:32AM
Window arranger? That's rich, although if that's your perception of what an operating system does, I could understand the reluctance to pay for one! The window manager, in actuality, is but one subsystem among many in *any* operating system.
Following that same line of reductionist thought, I'd like to announce that all of us programmers have been pulling one over on the world for some time now. Truth be told, programming isn't that hard: after all, it's just typing, right?
Lending tree Feb 01, 2004 at 6:11AM
Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.