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Grady Little to be canned, the Red

Grady Little to be canned, the Red Sox universe hums in harmony once more.

Reader comments

RyanOct 27, 2003 at 3:11PM

My theory is that Little, perhaps sub-consciously, wanted to be fired, and left pedro in too long to make sure it would happen.

KJCOct 27, 2003 at 3:30PM

Yeah, that's it.

EmilyOct 27, 2003 at 4:04PM

Look up "Catch-22," and there's Grady's picture. I think he screwed up too, but only in Red Sox Nation is the successful past completely wiped away in favor of a tar & feathering for the one glaring mistake. They fired him for being too easy on Pedro -- how about hiring him back for his standing up to Manny? I predict next year will be just like 2000 -- the chemistry will dissipate under a yes-man manager. feh.

RyanOct 27, 2003 at 4:45PM

It's tough to believe that winning 93 and then 95 games and coming within 5 outs of the series is failing. Hard to see anyone doing much better. (talk radio is full of Jerry Remy coming down out of the broadcast booth!?)

davidOct 27, 2003 at 6:28PM

Hard to see anyone doing much better.

The Red Sox had a far better team than the Yankees, they should have won 105 games. I think Steinbrenner is a maniac, but I like that he sets high standards. If you don't set those high standards, you'll probably never meet them. You can't fire the team, and you certainly can't fire Pedro, so you fire the manager.

What about Zim?

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.