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Futuristic Nokia cell phone designs

Futuristic Nokia cell phone designs.

Reader comments

dowingbaSep 16, 2003 at 1:30AM

Those are absolutely wicked.

dtettoSep 16, 2003 at 11:33AM

I think they are pretty hideous.

JBlountSep 16, 2003 at 12:26PM

ha ha. they arn't that bad. but why is it all "futuristic technology" looks wet?

dowingbaSep 16, 2003 at 12:59PM

In the 80's, "futuristic" meant square, rigid corners. In the 90's/00's "futuristic" means curves and wavy lines. It'll be interesting to see what "futuristic" means in ten years. I mean, what else is there other than rigid and wavy?

I think (some of) those designs are totally awesome though. Not realistically priced, I assume.

davidSep 16, 2003 at 11:27PM

Just look like winamp skins to me.

MSep 17, 2003 at 2:36AM

The new designs are great but, my new samsung - that replaced my 3 month old nokia, that replaced my 6 month old moto, all have the same problem - Horrible sound quality, and dropped calls. How about they figure out that phone part first, then throw in the kitchen sink? What was that? Your breaking up - I'll call you back...

JustinSep 17, 2003 at 5:21AM

Some of them are nice, others look too tacky.

One thing for sure, I really doubt we'll ever see any thing but retangular screens for a long time. Sure, you may be able to make screen like that, but if you're going to be running some sort of highly functional OS, round corners are just too much of a pain to deal with, it aint worth it, yet.

JeremiasSep 17, 2003 at 9:39AM

Here's a little tip for Phone geeks. Nokia (and other sites) generally have a section on their site specifically for the press. Lots of High Resolution photos of the latest phones, many of which are not available yet. Lots of "futuristic" design already.

Link to juicy photos here

JeremiasSep 17, 2003 at 9:40AM

I mean't here:,8764,33325,00.html?appId=3

Where's the furshlinger preview on this thing? :)

BrianSep 17, 2003 at 10:58AM

I believe it was Spongebob who said "In the future, everything is made of chrome." Damn your genius, Spongebob, damn it.

JesperSep 19, 2003 at 10:01AM

I believe everything below the Minority Report is material from old mockups to sell people on 3G UMTS ahead of time. I don't remember the exact year but it was from the 1997-2001 period.

Munisteri Ben Jan 21, 2004 at 2:55AM

I am a hobo in the house of the lord.

kentoJan 27, 2004 at 1:52PM

Yall are all freakin weirdos man I can't believe you are discussing this crap

kentoJan 27, 2004 at 1:52PM

Yall are all freakin weirdos man I can't believe you are discussing this crap

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.