Chris Ware has two new books out:
Chris Ware has two new books out: Quimby the Mouse and The Acme Novelty Date Book.
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Chris Ware has two new books out: Quimby the Mouse and The Acme Novelty Date Book.
Reader comments
Stefan JonesSep 22, 2003 at 12:36PM
I bought both of these, but I'm saving them for Later, after reading through some lesser works and gift books.
Well, I DID glance at Quimby mouse. An utterly fantastic production job; the cover is . . . sumptuous.
I read a bit of Ware's story about his grandma. I feel like hunting the boy down and pumping him full of SSRIs, but for all we know the black cloud of depression may be all that keeps him going.
Also read one of the fake ads, touting the advantages of growing giant frogs in your home. "These fat bitches are all the rage!" Laughed so hard I cried.
I actually went out and bought a magnifying glass to help with the fine print, of which there is much.
GluttonSep 22, 2003 at 7:44PM
Ware is amazing. I have Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth and the absurdly huge Acme Comdey Gallery (#15?) and that shit is unreal. Yeah, definitely keep all antidepressants away from him.
p5Jan 22, 2004 at 11:11AM
yup yup,he's somethin alright.
DiGiusto Alessandra Jan 25, 2004 at 5:56AM
Genius is of no country.
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