Someone got fired for reading MetaFilter at work
Someone got fired for reading MetaFilter at work. Are you happy now, Matt?
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Someone got fired for reading MetaFilter at work. Are you happy now, Matt?
Reader comments
Matt HaugheyAug 27, 2003 at 12:24AM
Other strangeness related to blogs: someone that frequented Joi Ito's blog and IRC channel was fired from Apple, and another IRC regular recently took his own life.
It's a crazy world.
Pat C.Aug 27, 2003 at 1:12AM
I read the long and overwhelmingly sympathetic MetaTalk thread about this. But I ask myself: what part of "NSFW text" - as the post was marked - did the firee not understand?
$nameAug 27, 2003 at 2:52AM
Pat - you'll have to re-read the thread a little more carefully for the answer.
Matt - it's almost as if the people online are real people who exist in the outside world ... ;)
MarkAug 27, 2003 at 10:51AM
I think the real lesson here is: Don't work at an insurance brokerage.
Pat C.Aug 27, 2003 at 11:35AM
$name - Yes, on re-reading I see the offensive text was in the thread as opposed to the site linked in the post, but still... Two weeks into a new job you need to be a litttle careful about such things. A NSFW post might result in a NSFW thread. (Says he who works from home.)
LynseyAug 27, 2003 at 2:13PM
Jason and or Greg, I don't understand why you would ask Matt if this firing after MeFi viewing would make him happy. Sounds pretty meanspirited of one or both of you...
CraniacAug 27, 2003 at 3:48PM
It's not clear that the apple guy was fired for blogging, but for dinking around while software compiled.
Lynsey: I think Matt and Jason know each other and his post is not meant to be taken that way.
greg.orgAug 27, 2003 at 6:09PM
and I just admire Matt from afar, but steer clear of most MeFi threads for elitist reasons.
Mary VeerAug 28, 2003 at 6:42AM
That woman who was fired for the mefi NSFW pedo-post was just plain STUPID for reading that at work. If I was her supervisor or boss, I would have fired her too. Enough said.
CarolineAug 28, 2003 at 11:27AM
She was stupid for reading Metafilter at work? Mary, she was fired for reading the discussion on Metafilter. Not the page the post linked to.
jkottkeAug 28, 2003 at 12:18PM
Caroline, I think Mary's point is that the woman shouldn't have been doing personal reading on work time, which, from the standpoint of a company concerned with employees "stealing time" at work, is hard to argue with. (Although my personal view is that employees should have a little latitude in doing personal stuff during work time, unless it becomes a problem for a particular employee in getting their work done.)
jcaAug 28, 2003 at 5:52PM
While I agree with the "safe work behavior" mandates - this doesn't have to turn into a "We told you so" / "She asked for it" pile on. Then everyone starts to sound like a lawyer and/or Fox News.
CraniacAug 28, 2003 at 10:25PM
In some religious circles the phrase "avoid the very appearance of evil" gets thrown around. Given that, in regards to certain topics, we are approaching a weird sort of censorial fundamentalism, perhaps that is useful, but unfortunate advice.
CarolineAug 29, 2003 at 10:10AM
Oh. OK. (It's hard to fathom when you work involves reading websites all day.)
CarolineAug 29, 2003 at 10:11AM
(I hope I'll never become a boss who fires people for reading. I hope I never become a boss.)
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.