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Lackluster crop of contest-winning Slashdot tshirts

Lackluster crop of contest-winning Slashdot tshirts.

Reader comments

Dave S.Aug 05, 2003 at 11:08AM

It's Slashdot. You were expecting quality maybe?

J.D. RothAug 05, 2003 at 11:16AM

Lackluster & Slashdot: two words that go together like Salt & Pepper, Ham & Eggs, Mitch & Mickey...

Andy BaioAug 05, 2003 at 11:18AM

See, GIMP can do anything Photoshop can do!

EliotAug 05, 2003 at 12:54PM

"Volatile Hyperlinkage" may be the holy grail of suck.

JD Roth is a buttheadSep 16, 2003 at 2:25PM

J.D. Roth: Lackluster & Slashdot: two words that go together like Salt & Pepper, Ham & Eggs, Mitch & Mickey...

You left out JD & Roth...

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.