WP chills with the NJGuido.com guy
WP chills with the NJGuido.com guy. “There are no subtleties in an environment like this.”
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WP chills with the NJGuido.com guy. “There are no subtleties in an environment like this.”
Reader comments
ChrisJul 08, 2003 at 1:37PM
This is really hilarious! I got a call Sunday afternoon from a friend saying 'You're never going to believe who is on the front page of the Style section of the Post!'. I have some buddies that are of the 'anti-guido' faction briefly mentioned in the article and further mentioned in this on-line discussion with the author. I used to read their message board and would occasionally post flamebait to liven things up a little. It's truly amazing how superficial some of the 'guidos' and 'guidettes' are. Great site though-great fun too!
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