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Vive Le… Minitel

Vive Le… Minitel. I can’t believe this story is actually dated July 14. 2003.

Reader comments

ConspiJul 15, 2003 at 9:39AM

I'm so ahamed to be french :(

I knew the minitel (i used to practice when i was young) was still alive but i didn't know so many people were using it.

5 years ago, i had no way else than using the Minitel to suscribe to High School, i spent about 1/2 an hour to fill a basic registration form !

Just for you to laugh a litlle more, the screen has something like 150 x 100 screen resolution, and 10 pixel take about 4 seconds to "load".

I let you imagine when minitel "sites" have a splash page with "Press the F1 button to continue" !

I repeat : I'm so ahamed to be french (in that particular case of course)

greg.orgJul 15, 2003 at 9:59AM

I found my Citroen on minitel and drove to a little Provencal village to buy it from a little old couple. All very cute, but that was 1995. Honestly, citoyens, citoyennes, it's time to move on.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.