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Ten of the dumbest ads in the last decade

Ten of the dumbest ads in the last decade.

Reader comments

cellJun 15, 2003 at 2:09AM

How odd. I guess most of "us" are savvy and smart, and stuff; but I always imagine that "we" are rather "above the curve"...

I saw some of those ads linked in metafilter, in a positive light. Hmmm...

Lookingforward to stepping forward.

GluttonJun 15, 2003 at 4:16PM

A better descriptor would be... "Ten of the most un-PC ads in the last decade" -- it doesn't make them dumb. A dumb ad is one that does not sell the product. But being PC does not make an ad smart, nor does making it unPC make it a bad ad. I applaud the advertisers and agencies for trying to keep the world from getting Walmartized.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.