Season finale of Six Feet Under: did
Season finale of Six Feet Under: did Brenda’s boobs get bigger?.
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Season finale of Six Feet Under: did Brenda’s boobs get bigger?.
Reader comments
tomcosgraveJun 02, 2003 at 2:05PM
Sounds more like a 90210 question, really....heh.
jkottkeJun 02, 2003 at 5:09PM
And to answer the question, yes, they did get bigger. And the sidebar editorial staff (well, the non-gay, non-female part of it anyway) approves of the light shirt/dark bra combo that she was sporting as well.
dave bJun 02, 2003 at 5:57PM
They did look bigger -- but why would Rachel Griffiths get a boob job? She already looks spectacular and has a good career. I think it must have just been the clothes.
jkottkeJun 02, 2003 at 7:15PM
I think they've always been huge. And rest assured, will stay with this story as long as we have to to uncover the truth. As long as we have to. Uncover. Oh yeah.
BenJun 03, 2003 at 10:01AM
Thanks, Duffman.
kimmieJun 12, 2003 at 1:00PM
oh. i think she mighta had a kid or something. she also usually wears baggier clothing. maybe she was wearing one of those water bras. i only just now noticed you guys linked me *laugh*
kimmieJun 12, 2003 at 1:00PM
oh. i think she mighta had a kid or something. she also usually wears baggier clothing. maybe she was wearing one of those water bras. i only just now noticed you guys linked me *laugh*
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