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Hong Kong Lipton tea

Hong Kong Lipton tea. hyperviolent, but thirst-quenching

Reader comments

Stewart ButterfieldJun 08, 2003 at 1:10AM

That ain't Japanese -- 's from Hong Kong (hence the Chinese, and the hachet: hachets and "choppers" (meat cleavers) are common tropes in HK horror.

ryanJun 08, 2003 at 5:13AM

I'm with Stewart, but I'm a lot more angry about it - c'mon, you missed the "hk" in the url? You couldn't understand it but you saw that everyone was Asian and assumed it was those wacky Japanese again?

kepJun 08, 2003 at 12:36PM

here's japanese lipton.

less violent.

dowingbaJun 08, 2003 at 1:08PM

I see international incident written all over this. Soon we'll hear on the news that the Japanese are launching an attack to remove the tyrannical Kottke server from power.

Andy BaioJun 08, 2003 at 1:09PM

My mistake. It looked like Japanese kanji to me, and I assumed incorrectly. I changed it in the title of the post.

So does that mean that you both understand what they're saying? I'd love a rough translation. Is this site affiliated with Lipton in any way?

BowungaJun 08, 2003 at 3:16PM

You are all missing the point.

That was the best ad in the history of advertising. I'm off to the store to buy as much Lipton as my bank account can muster.

nilsJun 09, 2003 at 9:11AM

It looked like Japanese kanji to me
"Japanese" kanji are from Chinese, so it's an easy miss if you aren't used to hearing either. Good rule of thumb: If the Asians are kicking ass, figure they are probably Chinese. If they are evil Asian businessmen, they might be Japanese. Here in Japan, Lipton is now pushing sparkling tea.
Learn kanji site

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.