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Google launches AdSense, context-sensitive text ads that

Google launches AdSense, context-sensitive text ads that even small sites can use. Perfect for weblogs

Reader comments

TimJun 18, 2003 at 10:11AM

Though the Program Policy does state "ads may not be placed on personal pages", which may cause problems for webloggers who occasionally like to mention what they had for lunch.

Sean ConnerJun 18, 2003 at 7:53PM

The program policy also states: “Site must not contain broken links and must be launched, functioning, and easily navigable.” While I haven't fully checked, I do know that there are entries in the first month of my blog (Dec. '99) that have broken links and Lord knows how many other broken links have popped up in the three years since.

Also, from the FAQ: “Place ads on content pages that don't change frequenty.&rdqou; That pretty much leaves out the main page of any weblog I know of.

margaretJun 18, 2003 at 9:13PM

it's still a good idea. great for small businesses. and you never know, they might let weblogs-like sites use the service in the future.

Allan GardyneJun 28, 2003 at 4:07AM

Some blogs are already using AdSense.

Paul Terry WalhusJul 08, 2003 at 11:27AM

Uh oh, I talked about having Wheat Chex for breakfast.

Walker David Jan 26, 2004 at 11:28PM

You get what anyone gets. You get a lifetime.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.