Chrysler loses $1.2billion, cancels Design Award
Chrysler loses $1.2billion, cancels Design Award. Saves $60,000 in prize money.
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Chrysler loses $1.2billion, cancels Design Award. Saves $60,000 in prize money.
Reader comments
PaulJun 05, 2003 at 4:40PM
Umm, read the article more closely:
The program cost an average of $600,000 a year to produce, Mr. Creed said, "and could get up over a million," as it did last year with a celebrity-heavy dinner for more than 350 people at the Four Seasons restaurant in New York to celebrate the award's 10th anniversary.
I can't say that I blame them. The car business is pretty hellacious right now, and cost-cutting is what its all about.
Look at it this way: $600k is what maybe 6-7 engineers make a year. If the choice is between dropping an award that doesn't sell many products or laying off engineers who actually make your product, this is a no-brainer.
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