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Reader comments
Fred SchmeldingMay 12, 2003 at 6:08PM
A NYT article?!?! C' some real journalism. :)
JustinMay 12, 2003 at 10:59PM
Shouldn't that be Apple is still kicking MS's ass where it counts? I couldn't care less which one makes the most $ or has the bigger market share. What counts is they make better computers! Unless you work or have shares in one of them or you're a company loyalist, then I guess you're right.
chrisnaMay 12, 2003 at 11:05PM
well, better, in the sense of what? stability? my windows xp system hasn't crashed once since it was built at the beginning of the year. windows is also 3rd-party haven. no one can argue with 95% market share. apple may make better looking computers, but i would never own one of their desktops. i'd spring for one of those powerbook g4s, however.
JustinMay 13, 2003 at 12:05AM
Better in terms of the whole Computing Experience (TM)
Yes, MS have caught up in stability. But I think their OS is still a bit clunkier to use in my experiences. MS are improving in that area to, but I think Apple will always be a step ahead there, since it's part of who they are. MS only improves when they need to.
Of course, it's not a totally fair comparison, because MS doesn't make their own hardware, which would cut down an awful lot of problems people have.
The only reason my main win2000 box crashes is because of 3rd party hardware/drivers, other than that, it's a nice box to use. But I still prefer Macs.
Typo!May 13, 2003 at 3:59AM
I couldn't care less which one makes a desktop. Everyone knows AIX is the best. BTW, Apple hardware design is fundamentally flawed (but, I must admit, those cramped keyboards and single-button mice are so sexy-looking).
Jake of 8bitjoystick.comMay 13, 2003 at 2:05PM
Lets see so you hate Linux and you hate Apple. So you you own MS stock or what?
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.