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Reader comments
MartinApr 26, 2003 at 11:43AM
This service doesn't work - many of the MPs don't have fax numbers.
However, as part of the UK gorverment's digital parliament, all of them have email addresses - which none of them check, or answer.
Great idea. Poor application.
MegApr 26, 2003 at 7:21PM
...many of the MPs don't have fax part of the UK government's digital parliament, all of them have email addresses
Except Tony Blair, perhaps?
MarkApr 29, 2003 at 6:15AM
If you bother to look at the stats, Martin, you'll see that there's only about a dozen MPs who don't receive faxes. Out of 600+, that's pretty good. If you're that keen you can always post them a letter.
It worked for me, and I got a reply from my MP pretty soon after.
Great idea. Great application.
MartinApr 29, 2003 at 6:35AM
I sent my MP a fax and he didn't have one. I sent him an email, and he hasn't replied.
So much for stats.
Either something works, or it doesn't - they should have information on the front page to say who recieves faxes and who doesn't - when I tried it about a year ago, there were no such stats and I went through the whole process, only to find out that I had wasted my time.
This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.