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Business weblogs on the grow

More business weblogs are starting to show up on the Web. Macromedia is having employees keep weblogs related to their new product line, a friend is backing an upcoming tech weblog, Kausfiles is being bankrolled by Slate (following Romenesko’s lead of more than two years ago), and I’ve been on the hunt for a job writing a weblog for a few weeks now (I’ve got lots of ideas, you should email me if your company is interested). I think it’s great…weblogs are a good way of publishing information and connecting with customers at the same time (among other things).

In particular, Macromedia’s effort is impressive, letting individual employees provide information and customer support rather than completely relying on a personality-free support forum and Web site. It’s not really surprising…Macromedia has been very smart about using the Web, newsgroups, email, and mailing lists to do guerilla support and marketing. As Meg notes, they have a few issues to take care of, but they’ll soon get the bugs worked out.