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I’d forgotten about this great

I’d forgotten about this great quote from my dad: “Travel on the Internet is like eating apple pie on the Internet. It’s just not the same.”

I just put the apple crisp in the oven (when the cat’s away, the mice, um, cook). I used the recipe from Meg’s cooking section: Apple Crisp with Oatmeal Crumb Topping. If you look carefully, the word “crumb” appears in the title of the recipe, describing the nature of the oatmeal topping. In this case, after mixing, my topping was not crumbly; in fact, it was the opposite of crumbly. The closest description would either be “gooey” or “mushy”. My hopes are not high.

Apple crisp update: It worked! I don’t think it’s as good as the one Meg made last month, but it’s still pretty dern tasty. If I could, I’d have you all over right now for Jason’s Special Apple (Not So) Crisp with Oatmeal Paste Topping.