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Went to see BT last

Went to see BT last night with my friend Kelly. It was a pretty good show…and interesting as well. BT has expanded his repetoire since I last saw him. In addition to the playing the keyboards and some sort of mixing board (or something like that), he also played the guitar (electric and acoustic) and sang. Diverse, just like his latest album. “Never Gonna Come Back Down” and “Blue Skies” just weren’t the same without the vocals of M Doughty and Tori Amos, though.

Hooverphonic was the opening act. They were OK…but they didn’t play the song from that VW commercial, which is really the only thing I was hoping to hear from them. Yes, yes, I’m the guy in the back always yelling for the band to play their one popular song. So unhip. So uncool. You think less of me now. I do not blame you.

I also found out that Paul Oakenfold will be in town near the end of November. Ordinarily, this would be great news for me, but I will not be in town at that time. Crappity crap crap.